Set up a Direct Debit
Looking for one less thing to think about?
Join the customers already paying by Direct Debit!
For your added convenience we offer a Direct Debit facility. To take advantage of this simply click on the link below and print the Direct Debit mandate. Please then complete and return it to Pipers News Hargreaves Business Park, Hargreaves Road, Eastbourne, BN23 6QW. Once set up, payment will then be taken monthly, approximately two weeks from the statement date. Should you not be able to print out the mandate then please call us on 01323 840753 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. us. We will then send you one with your newspaper along with a prepaid envelope for you to return it to us in.
If you would like to receive your statements via email every month, please fill out the form below with your details. Once registered you will receive your statement on the last Saturday of each month.