Tel: 01323 840753 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pipers News Stores Limited - Terms and Conditions

Newspaper Delivery - We provide an early morning newspapers & magazines delivery service to your home or business.

Account Set Up - We will create an account and store your details in order to manage this service, respond to queries or provide service updates.

Delivery Charges & Pricing - We have different delivery charge bands, which we apply depending on location and publications delivered. This charge will be itemised on your bill and be subject to change periodically, generally annually, without prior notice. If you are unhappy with any increase applied you may within 14 days of the first bill showing the delivery increase cancel the service and we will refund the increase in delivery charge. Cover prices are set by the publishers and are liable to change from time to time. A 20p per week voucher handling charge may also apply.

Bills & Payment - Payment terms 10 days from statement date. Our preferred method of payment is by Direct Debit. We bill our customers four weekly in arrears. Our default billing method is via email. If we are unable to email your monthly statement, we will need to post it and levy a charge of £1 per bill to cover postage, stationery and processing costs. A £1 postage charge will also be levied on each occasion should we need to post an account payment reminder.

If an account remains unpaid after eight weeks deliveries may be suspended and the account subject to a surcharge of £30. Should we need to pursue recovery of a debt further, any legal costs incurred will be claimed in recovering the debt.

Communication – All communication relating to your account or deliveries must be made to our office by telephone, email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via our website. Your delivery driver cannot pass on messages or take instructions.

We do not encourage customers to leave items out for our drivers to collect, but recognise that you may choose to do so for convenience. You should however be aware that Pipers News will not be held responsible for any monies, vouchers or any other items given to or left for the driver should they go missing.

Holiday Dates & Order Amendments – Please provide us with at least 24 hours notice of any holiday suspension or order amendment. Our next day deliveries are prepared by 9.00am the day before by our early morning managers before they leave so failure to provide sufficient notice may result in your newspaper still being delivered and the charge remaining on your account.

Delivery Errors - Although they are rare, mistakes can happen and if, for whatever reason, you do not receive your paper or the wrong paper, we need to be alerted so we can credit your account accordingly. Any delivery error should be phoned in to the office on 01323 840753 or emailed that day to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will try and deliver where we can if advised by 9am but if we are unable to put the mistake right you will receive a credit on your next bill.

Privacy & Sharing Information - We do not share your personal data with any other companies or entities unless required to by law or where we require third party assistance to fulfil our service to you. Such third parties will include our secure payment processing company (World Pay) and may include third party contractors, subscription providers and marketing companies. These third parties only have permission to use your data for our specific requirement, and may not use it or share it for any other purpose. Our full Privacy Policy can be read on our website.

Subscriptions - Pipers News Stores Limited accepts subscription vouchers from all publishers. We strongly encourage customers to take advantage of the substantial discount publishers offer through their subscription services. We recommend you nominate for your vouchers to be sent to us directly by publishers or you send then to us immediately upon receipt and we will handle all the administration for you. We cannot accept any vouchers requiring redemption for issues which date back over two calendar months.

Termination - You may cancel deliveries at any time by giving us at least 24 hours notice. We require any outstanding balance due to be settled immediately. If the account is normally settled by direct debit, this should not be cancelled until the final payment has been made. Should the direct debit be cancelled prematurely, other than as a legal requirement by the payee’s bank, we may raise a surcharge of £10.

We reserve the right to amend these terms & conditions of supply from time to time. The prevailing terms & conditions of supply is available to view on our website

Registered Office:
Pipers News Stores Limited, Hargreaves Business Park, Hargreaves Road, Eastbourne, BN23 6QW

Company No.2516777
VAT No. 583 6028 28

Contact Us


Hargreaves Business Park, Hargreaves Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 6QW
Telephone: 01323 840753
Fax: 01323 501041

After hours email relating to the next days’ delivery: